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De siste 3 anmeldelser
8 Jun 2020
Anmeldelse av Player:
My favorite place, recommended.
All is on the top level from the booking on the website till the end after the game. The Escape Games is one of the best I tried so far. All escape rooms I played here is wonderful.
24 Jan 2020
Anmeldelse av Steven Willem Esser:
We thought doing this room would be a good first try of an escape room. What we didn't know, is that this room is more difficult than the others. It however didn't matter to us. We felt we could identify ourselves with the story better and had a lot of fun. Many different puzzles and a lot of keys and locks to open. You need creative thinking and connecting the dots. Was a great experience. They offered to tell us the solution, but we want to do this one again to make it out in time!!
5 Oct 2018
Anmeldelse av Susann:
Fantastisk kreativitet!
Veldig spennende og utfordrende! Skulle gjerne hatt mer tid i bonusrommet, men takker for at vi fikk spille ferdig det også med veiledning! Gleder meg til the cure! Vi ses!
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